
Policies ☻

Cancellation Policy

If you need to reschedule or cancel I ask that you do so at least 24 hours before your scheduled appointment time. I would prefer 48 hours or more.

When you cancel with only 24 hours notice it is very difficult for me to fill that space in my schedule. Repeated or excessive cancellation may result in payment being requested prior to your appointment or losing access to booking appointments with me in the future.

Any cancelations or reschedules within 24 hours of the appointment are subject to a cancellation fee amounting in 50% of the scheduled services cost. If the cancellation is made the day of the appointment or if you no call/no show (meaning you forgot about your appointment/did not communicate to me that you would not be coming in using a timely manner) will unfortunately result in a cancellation fee of up to 100% of the scheduled services as at this point I have set up and have been waiting for you to arrive. I am very often flexible with this fee and will put it towards your rescheduled appointment if I can get you in the same day/week.

Failure to pay the cancelation fee the day of your missed appointment will result in being banned from booking with me in the future. When you miss your appointment I lose out on your business and the possibility of giving another client a service. Like everyone else, I have bills to pay and lives to support. Thank you for respecting my time and business and for valuing the relationship we have!

Late Policy

When you book an appointment with me, I am prepared for you to arrive no later than that time. I respect my clients’ time, therefore I ask that in return, my clients respect mine and also the time of other clients that are booked after them. If you are running late- please communicate that to me asap. When a client is running late I worry about their well-being! If I don’t hear from you 15 minutes after your appointment time you will be marked as a no call/no show. I will always try my best to fit you back in the same day if I have the availability, but if I don’t and you miss your appointment you will be subject to paying a cancellation fee. Please consider traffic, drive time, parking, and other possibilities into account when choosing your appointment time.

(Unless circumstances where I have extra time after your appointment and I can still perform all your services on time, the following scenarios below will go as stated)

For brows/waxing/tinting appointments: If you are running 5+ minutes late your appointment will be canceled and you must pay the cancelation fee before booking any future appointments.

For facial appointments: If you are running 5-15 minutes late to your facial appointment we can keep the scheduled appointment, but will need to leave out parts of the service to make up for lost time. You will be charged the same cost of the service you originally booked. If you are running more than 15 minutes late to your facial appointment, your appointment will be canceled and you must pay the cancelation fee before booking any future appointments.

For lash lifts/brow lamination appointments: If you are running 10+ minutes late your appointment will be canceled and you must pay the cancelation fee before booking any future appointments.

Appointment Reminders

When you book an appointment with me, you will receive text/email confirmation. You will be sent an automatic text/email reminder of your appointment 1 day prior. However, a reminder is not required for you to show up to your appointment. Please put your appointment on your calendar when booking as it is your own responsibility to remember the appointment you made. Honoring your appointment time is my priority, so I ask that you honor it as well. I understand that things come up and schedules may need to be altered. I do require 24 hours notice if you need to cancel/reschedule your appointment free of charge. If there is any confusion about your scheduled appointment time, please never hesitate to reach out to me to confirm it!

Modifying appointments

Please let me know any changes to services you would like to make at least 48 hours before your appointment. This way you aren’t reserving more time than needed for your services and I can try and fill that void with services for another client. If you downgrade your service with less than 24 hours before your appointment I ask that you pay the cancellation fee for dropped services to make up for my lost time and income.


Out of respect for my clients and colleagues of my space, I always reschedule appointments when I have any symptoms of sickness and ask that my clients please do the same for me. Please consider that if you were to come to an appointment and unintentionally get me sick, I will likely have to cancel up to weeks worth of clients without the luxury of sick pay, which would affect my livelihood immensely. When it comes to be the week of your appointment, consider your health. If you have been feeling under the weather, reschedule the appointment for a later time. This keeps me safe and healthy, and you well rested and able to avoid any cancellation fees.

On your appointment day

The day of your appointment please arrive on time and prepared to receive your booked services. This means if you are receiving a facial please try your best to arrive makeup-free. If you are receiving a lash or brow service please arrive with dry makeup-free brows/lashes. If you are more than 10 minutes early for your appointment, there is conveniently a coffeeshop downstairs and waiting spaces both outside my suite and inside! Please do not come in if my door is not open. This gives me enough time to prepare for your appointment and to respect the time and privacy of the appointment going on before yours. If you’re early you can always text me to see if it’s okay to come up! I love flexibility!

Guests and Children

Please do not bring guests to your appointment unless you are under the age of 18 or if it has been previously agreed upon. Please do not bring children to your appointment unless it has been previously agreed upon. Children under the age of 18 must have parental consent and consent themselves to receive any services. Children under the age of 16 must have my approval before booking the service. This is because most of my services I do not deem appropriate for young children and to maintain a safe environment for all. Thank you!


There will be no refunds given for any services or products. Zero Exceptions. If you are unhappy with a service- please always reach out to me so we can work it out!


The best way to contact me is by text. You can text me any day, any time! Please don’t call me unless you are running late for your appointment or need guidance finding the location. Phone calls likely will not be answered during my hours because I am in the middle of performing services for another client and stay off my phone during that time to respect my clients. I will answer texts as soon as I have a free moment! If you feel your message has been neglected please reach out to me again. If you have questions about the services please reach out! When you are ready to book an appointment, it can be booked super easily online where you can see all available days and times up to 2 months out. If you’re wanting to book an appointment more than 60 days away you can contact me personally to do so!

Thank you so much for respecting and abiding by the Lavender Skye Esthetics Policies! If you have any questions, please reach out!